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Playing the Hand You’re Dealt


The other night I was having trouble sleeping and found myself playing games on and late I started flipping through channels on the television. I stopped on ESPN where they were showing a re-run of some poker tournament. As I watched, I realized a couple of important things about poker that really amazed me. You will get the best online betting sites(aposta)  technique here.

(Before I go any farther, let me just tell you that I am not a great poker player. I know the basics of which hands are good because I played Yahtzee as a kid but beyond that, I’m clueless.)

What amazed me as I watched the tournament was how often the person with the best hand didn’t end up winning the round. In fact, there were a couple of times that the person with almost the worst hand ended up collecting the money in the pool. I find that fascinating. Having great cards increases the chances of someone winning the hand but really doesn’t guarantee them a victory. Having a less than desirable hand doesn’t mean you automatically lose. There are other factors that go into winning. Here you will get a Horse racing tip in Singapoer that will guaranttee you to win.

You have to play the hand you’re dealt.

Unfortunately, you don’t get to trade cards with anyone else or pay extra to upgrade your hand. The cards you get are the cards you play. Each of us is dealt a hand when we come into the world. Some will have every advantage: happy family life, good genetics, a safe home, etc. They have been dealt a great hand. Others may be born into poverty, a broken family, child abuse, etc. They have been dealt a little tougher hand.

poker nervous

The important point to remember is that you cannot change the hand you’re dealt. You don’t decide what circumstances you are born into and it does no good to complain about them or expect that they will determine your success. Many people think that being born into money or prestige will guarantee their happiness. Nothing could be farther form the truth. Others will use their hard circumstances as a crutch for why they don’t succeed. They take a look at the hand they were dealt and fold immediately.

The hand you were dealt cannot be changed, but the way you play it can.

Winning has less to do with your hand, and more to do with how you play it.

Like I said earlier, it is not the person with the best hand that always wins. I suppose that is one of the exciting aspects of poker. A great poker player can “defy” the hand he is dealt and, if he acts confidently, can get the other players to fold.

Some of the most successful people I have ever met were people who had been dealt some bad cards in their lifetime. Real bad cards. Cards that would have made me probably fold and give up. But they were able to take those cards and use them to put together a victory. They didn’t give up when others thought their hand was unwinable. They found ways to use those cards for their benefit and growth. They learned from them and became proud of their hand. They owned it and ended up as winners.

“We are all dealt a hand and we have to decide how to play it.” – Voltaire

poker bad hand

I know that you have trials and hardships. I know that you’ve been dealt some tough cards from time to time. Since you can’t change those cards, how are you going to play them? Are you going to fold or proceed in a timid manner? Are you going to accept them and still move forward towards your goals? Will you blame your cards for your misfortune for most of your life?

It is up to you.

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Every hand, no matter how bad, has the potential to be a winning hand.


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