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The Truth Behind Talent
A few months ago I grabbed my camera gear and drove out to a lake near my home in Arizona to try and get a picture of a shooting star. It...

Building Your House Brick by Brick
How long would you have the patience to prepare before you saw any results? I recently spent 10 days in the Dominican Republic doing...

A Letter to My Son About Failure
Hey buddy, I can still picture the excitement on your face when I came to pick you up from your karate lesson tonight. “Get your phone...

Don’t Scratch the Itch!
I found this article from Leo Babauta of Zen Habits and I absolutely love it. It talks about avoiding those urges that keep us from...

Kites, Kids, and the 2 Necessities for Success
“Let’s cut the string and watch it fly away!” I tried to explain to him that it might not work the way he was hoping but he was adamant...

It’s the 4th Quarter, Time to Step Up!
This is it! October is here and it is the start of the 4th quarter for 2013. Remember those goals you set back in January…? Seems like a...

Are You Better Today Than Yesterday? 7 Ways to Always Answer “Yes!”
What did I accomplish today? What experiences did I have that I can learn from? Who did I meet today and what did I learn about them? Am...

6 Forgotten Truths About Time
One of the greatest indicators of personal success is how well we manage our time. This morning I received an e-mail from a friend, Dr....

The Success Auction: How Much Would You Pay?
“Bidding will start at $100 for this next item. Do I hear $100?” A number of hands rose up and the auction was under way. The bidding...

Newton’s 3rd Law of Success: Action and Reaction
Today we finish our series on Isaac Newton’s 3 Laws of Success. In case you missed them, you can check out the other two here: Newton’s...

48 Ways to Get Your Life in Order
This is an article by guest writer Mark Foo, author of The 77 Traits of Highly Successful People. There’s nothing wrong with a little bit...

29 Ways to Simplify Your Life
Have you ever noticed how busy life has gotten? It seems like whenever there is available time, the world finds a way to fill it. The...

The Law of the Harvest
(This is an excerpt from my book “The Law of the Harvest” which you can download for free HERE or from iBooks for your iPad.) There are...

“Discipline is a choice. Its simply consistently choosing the hard right over the easy wrong.” I love this quote from Rory Vaden, author...

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